
Showing posts from April, 2022

Reflections on A Love Supreme, Part Two

 We never give up on love.  Until we stop being human, the desire to love and be loved is for ever.  Only love itself, in its many different appearances, seems to come and go - hence the stories and songs of love found and love lost.  This verse is from 'Come All ye Fair and Tender Ladies' (a Mountain Song): 'I wish I'd known before I courted  / that love would be so hard to find / I'd have locked my heart in a box of golden / and tied it down with a silver pin'.   I'm coming to accept that I grew up in a household without love. A boyfriend noticed this years ago when he spent time in my family house.  I was so used to this experience it just became the atmosphere I lived in - and I adapted and functioned quite well.  Even so, like plants without sun or good soil, we may survive but not fully flourish or bloom.  Unless perhaps you're a certain type of wildflower which only blooms on poor soil!  Wow - yes, so many creative people, ...