Also - DO SOMETHING - love plus intention
Since my last blog, we watch as horror descends on the Ukrainian people. Military aggression and massive displacement of people has been happening around the world for decades, but this time it's on Europe's borders. How can we presume to talk about it, safe in our homes when others are fleeing or waiting for the next bomb blast?
Now, 'don't just do something, just sit there' sounds very hollow. It is, because the opposite is always true too. Action is needed -action that is a response or necessity arising from a situation. Action is different from random and unfocused activities that serve as distractions. But in this situation, what can we 'do' apart from donating money or signing up as volunteers in a war zone?
There's two things we can do - and they bring together the both/and, the paradox of doing and not-doing. We look within at the same time as looking outwards at our world. I quote from Marianne Williamson's book 'The Gift of Change: Spiritual Guidance for a Radically New Life' (2004 Element):
'We seem to have great resistance to looking at our lives, and our world, with emotional honesty. And I think we are avoiding more than pain. We are avoiding the sense of hopelessness we think we will feel when confronted by the enormity of the forces that obstruct us. Yet, in fact, it's when we face the darkness squarely in the eye - in ourselves and in the world - that we being at last to see the light. And that is the alchemy of personal transformation'.
I believe when we glimpse the light, it gives us courage to reach out. Then focused and heart-centred action can emerge. An example is the creation of Skanda Vale Hospice in West Wales. We visited yesterday for an open day and I heard how the hospice came into being. Skanda Vale is a multi-faith ashram visited by thousands of pilgrims every year from around the world. The main head monk found himself in hospital for an operation. He was deeply distressed by the plight of another man on the same ward. This man was dying and although he had all the medical support he needed, there was no one with him. He cried out again and again for someone to sit with him, but he died without that support.
The monk knew then he would create a place for people to receive the emotional support they need at the end of life. Over the next few years he overcame many obstacles and finally found the right place for a hospice. It has become a sanctuary and haven and everyone feels the special atmosphere there. On a display board in the dayroom one patient wrote: 'Coming to Skanda Vale Hospice has restored my faith in humanity'.
Every gift of love contributes to the spirit and atmosphere of a place. It reminds us that love plus intention makes a difference. Today a Prayer for World Peace landed in my inbox and I'd like to end by sharing this. The prayer comes from Tomar Levine and Karen Gore. It is love plus intention.
Marion Carlisle - aka: Marion Atmo West Wales, UK
Friends, Please read through the following prayer at least once (preferably out loud) with intention and meaning. After that you can just use the code words "World Peace" over and over, all day long, and you will be effectively launching this powerful prayer each time! (And it will feel so good to say it.)
Source Creator, each and every day, prevent or render harmless every intention, plan, energy, or action to trigger a global war or any war of significant size and danger to humanity.
Employ the extreme measures permitted against intentions and plans for such a war.
Protect all nations from manipulation, coercion, and propaganda leading to armed conflict with each other.
Strengthen human defenses against such propaganda used to induce fear, mistrust, hatred, and a misguided quest for domination or retaliation.
Heal and free all leaders from mind control, manipulation, and corruption. Help humanity see through deception and into the futility of war.
Harness all negative energies and intentions used to promote warmongering: transmute them from malevolent to benevolent, and utilize these energies for healing instead of harm, for all victims and perpetrators alike.
Strengthen us to feel the power and conviction to partner with you, to demand and create a safe and peaceful world for all.
Repeat this prayer request as often as feasible. Invite all others wanting the highest and best outcome for humanity to join their prayers with ours and pool our requests for maximum momentum and effectiveness. Link this entire prayer to the code words "WORLD PEACE," so that every time you say or think these words, this entire request is made, including its indefinite repetitions. Thank you.
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